There are two varieties, or strains, of the cannabis plant: Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa. Marijuana, or weed, is made up of the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds of the cannabis plant. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which produces a “high,” and cannabidiol (CBD), which does not, are two of the more than 100 chemicals found in cannabis plants. Read more about Sativa Cannabis Strains Australia by visiting our website and if you have any questions related to this topic, connect with us.

The two strains have different appearances as plants. Shorter, indica plants have woody stalks and wider leaves. Sativa plants grow faster and have tall, thin leaves. Additionally, there are other varieties of hybrid plants that combine traits from both breeds.

Although they are closely related, sativa and indica are not the same. The amount of CBD to THC varies across them, which may alter their effects on your body. However, plant strain is just one factor that affects this. Different strains have varying amounts of terpenes, which are the chemicals that give some plants their flavor and aroma. These compounds can have an impact on mood and energy levels.

Despite the physical and chemical differences between strains, scientists say you can’t tell how a cannabis plant will effect your body just by looking at it. Some experts now claim that there is no discernible difference between these two plants since they have been grown and hybridized for so long.

Indeed, according to one research, strains classified as indica shared no more ancestry with strains classified as sativa than they did with other indica strains.

Nowadays, the majority of cannabis strains available on the market are hybrids, with the majority being cultivated to have higher THC levels. However, experts also note that the mix of terpenes and cannabinoids in a strain has a significant role in how it will make you feel or how it may be used to treat specific medical ailments.

Among the terpenes in cannabis are:





Cannabis hybrid strains, which are crossbreeds of both sativa and indica, are so common that they are sometimes referred to as “indica-dominant” or “sativa-dominant.” In light of this, the following details pertain to the original, unadulterated forms of these cannabis strains.

Indica: What Is It?

The indica strain of cannabis originated in arid regions of Asia, including South Africa and India. Compared to cannabis sativa, it often contains more CBD, however the ratio of CBD to THC is quite near to 1:1. Its fragrance is frequently described as “skunky.” Hemp is another name for indica.

Effects of Indica

Because indica has a greater CBD level, many people may experience a calming, relaxing sensation. However, researchers also attribute the drowsiness to its increased concentration of the terpene myrcene. Because of this, some people decide to take this strain at night.

Uses of Indica

A hybrid variant of the indica strain is present in many medicinal cannabis strains. Among the most typical circumstances under which individuals employ it are:

Pains that are not migraines

Numbness or discomfort in the nerves


Joint discomfort

The condition of arthritis


Persistent discomfort


Lack of appetite

Cannabis Strains

Afghanistan grows a lot of cannabis indica strains for hashish. Among the strains are:

Kush Afghan

The original Skywalker

Sunset in Purple

The Northern Lights

Kush Afghan

L.A. Secret

Guru #10

Sativa: What Is It?

Tropical, humid regions like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Thailand, Vietnam, Colombia, and Mexico are home to sativa. Sativa is more likely to give you energy since it contains less myrcene. Sativa is most widely referred to as marijuana, or cannabis for recreational purposes.

Effects of Sativa

Sativa tends to have a mind-altering impact since it contains more THC than CBD. People usually feel invigorated and elated after doing this. It could lessen anxiousness as well.

Uses of Sativa

Because of its “mind-high” effects, sativa is frequently chosen for recreational usage. However, some people also utilize it for medicinal reasons. It might be useful for:


Feeling queasy

Acute discomfort

Mental haze




A migraine


A headache


Sativa strains may have an impact on depression that is comparable to that of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), according to certain studies conducted on animals. However, further investigation is required to examine its impact on humans.

There is little scientific proof of how medicinal marijuana treats certain diseases because it is illegal in some places. Cannabis just appears to alleviate the symptoms of diseases; there is no proof that it cures the underlying causes.

Strains of Sativa

Among the more often used sativa strains are:

Hawaiian Dutch

Super Silver Haze

Waui Maui

Buffalo White

Diesel that is sour

Dream N’ Sour

Herer, Jack

Key Takeaways

Cannabis, the plant used to manufacture marijuana, comes in two strains: indica and sativa.

Although these strains are visually distinct from one another, scientists claim that their look cannot reliably foretell how they will effect your body due to the high degree of hybridization between the two strains.

However, the effects of various cannabis strains vary according to the characteristics of other chemicals, such as terpenes and cannabinoids like CBD and THC.

While certain strains are more likely to offer you a mental high that sharpens your attention and changes your way of thinking, others are more likely to give you a body high that relaxes you.